速報APP / 教育 / Javascript Tests and Quizzes

Javascript Tests and Quizzes





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Anielewicza 23/110, 01-026 Warszawa

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖1)-速報App

- Test your JavaScript skills and knowledge with our extensive base of programming tests and questions

- save your favorite JavaScript tests to your favorite list

- Create your own JavaScript quizzes with technical questions that are in our database

- Learn and improve your JavaScript skills and knowledge by reading explanations assigned to each question to help you understand the concept

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖2)-速報App

- become an author and add your own JavaScript questions and tests and help other to improve their coding skills

- extend your programming knowledge by reading our articles about JavaScript topics

You can find programming questions related to:

- JavaScript

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖3)-速報App

- ECMAScript 6 (ECMAScript 2015)



- React

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖4)-速報App

- Angular

- AngularJS

- TypeScript

- MongoDB

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖5)-速報App

- Git

- Java


Questions and answers are divided by the level: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖6)-速報App

This application can be useful to:

- prepare for the programming exam

- fill knowledge gaps about programming

- prepare for the technical job interview

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖7)-速報App

- practice your coding skills

Example subjects:

- JavaScript - variables and data types, operator, conditions and loops, arrays, functions, objects, scope, this, hoisting, arguments, NaN, regular expressions, null, undefined, closure, apply/call/bind, new and prototype, iife, strict and non-strict mode, delete operator, type of operator, WebSockets, Fetch API, cookies, XHR and Ajax

- ES6 - promises, let/const, template strings, arrow function, rest and spread, classes, modules, default parameter values, symbol, generators, array/object destructuring

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖8)-速報App

- CSS - selectors, specificity, pseudo classes and pseudo elements, box model, shorthand properties, stacking context, margin collapsing, floating, positioning, units, gradients

- HTML - links, lists, elements, tables, forms, images, audio and video tag, iframes, global attributes, doctype and DTD

- TypeScript - enums, types, interfaces, generics

- Angular - binding, components, pipes, modules, template-driven forms, Angular CLI, services, routing, @Input/@Output, reactive forms, guards, lifecycle

Javascript Tests and Quizzes(圖9)-速報App

- React - components and props, JSX, handling events, state